
CCIMC Events

9-10 March 2020

CCIMC Kick-Off Meeting in Jena

Consortium Kick-off meeting

The Kick-Off meeting of the CCIMC project was held in the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena on March 9-10th.

19-30 october 2020

Core Course online (initally planned in Warsaw)

All ESRs  followed a mandatory two-week common core course, offered immediately at the beginning of the doctoral programme. This core course took place online from the 19th to the 30th of October.

2-7 May 2021

1st International Workshop in Toulouse
1st Network Workshop

The first International workshop entitled Cutting-Edge Homogeneous Catalysis (CEHC-1), took place in May 4-6th, 2021. This online event organised by LCC-Toulouse allowed the ESRs to hone their communication skills through poster presentations.

October 2021

1st Tutorial  and
2nd Network Workshop online (initially planned in York)

The first tutorial of the network  took place online and consisted of three days of scientific training in advanced characterization techniques but also transferable skills training aimed at arming the doctoral students with the skills needed to become independent researchers.

April 2022

2nd International Workshop in Leipzig
3rd Network Workshop

The 3rd network workshop and the 2nd International workshop (CEHC-2) were the first two CCIMC events that could take place face-to-face. The events were held at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Leipzig in a hybrid mode.

October 2022

2nd Tutorial and
4th Network Workshop in Lyon

The second tutorial involves a 1-day scientific training on industrialization issues and 2 days of transferable skill training oriented toward the development of the ESRs’ professional career. The two events, the 4th network workshop and the 2nd tutorial were hosted by our industrial partner, IFPEN.

April 2023

International School in Bucharest
5th Network Workshop

The international School took place at the University of Bucharest, just before the end of the students’ research activity. All CCIMC ESRs were present as well as external doctoral students. You can check the school website here.

January 2024

3rd International Workshop in Montpellier
Final Meeting

The 3rd international workshop will take place toward the end of the EJD programme, when the ESRs will have obtained their degrees and started their next career stage, as post-docs or with a permanent position. This event is planned for M48 and will take place in Montpellier, FR, in conjunction with the Network final meeting.